


“Scripture And Sexuality” — Together with Eric Mount, Jr., — Journal of Presbyterian History, Summer, 1981.

“Oh, When The Saints” — Journal For the Study Of The Old Testament, 24, 1982.

“An Eye Opener At The Gate – George Coats And Genesis 38,” — LexingtonTheological Quarterly, Oct., 1992.

“Born In Zion” a homiletical application of psalm 87, particularly for Christian Baptism.  Interpretation, summer 1993.

 “Solidarity With The Stranger” In A Journey to Justice – Report of the Special Task Force of the Presbyterian Committee on the Self-Development of People, 1993 Presbyterian Church (USA), pp.45-57.

“The Way of Hesed,” in  And Show Steadfast Love: A Theological Look at Grace, Hospitality, Disabilities and the Church.  Lewis H.Merrick ed.  PCUSA, Louisville, Kentucky, 1993 

“A Conference and an Uproar” Perspectives, May 1994.

 Together with Christopher Elwood: “The Heidelberg Catechism and Homosexuality,” Monday Morning, Nov.18, 1996

“Break the Chains of Injustice.” Eight Bible Studies on Isaiah 58:1-12, in Break the Chains of Injustice! Bible studies for the 23rd General Council, Debrecen, Hungary 8-20 August, 1997  Stephen Farris and Paraic Reamonn eds.  Geneva: World Alliance of Reformed Churches, 1997

“Devisings of the human heart: the Bible and Violence” In Striking Terror No More: The Church Responds to Domestic Violence. Bridge Resources, Presbyterian Church (USA), Louisville, Kentucky, 1997

“Stumbling Toward Clarity” in Called Out With – Stories of Solidarity in Support of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered Persons, Sylvia thorson-Smith, Johanna W.H.van Wijk-Bos, Norm Pott and William P.Thompson eds.  Louisville: Westminster/John Knox, 1997

“The Bible and Violence” in Telling the Truth: Preaching about Sexual and Domestic Violence John S McClure and Nancy J.Ramsay eds. Cleveland, Ohio: United Church Press, 1999.

“No Small Thing: the Overturning of Nineveh in the Third Chapter of Jonah”   in On the Way to Nineveh – Studies in Honor of George M.Landes Stephen L. Cook and S.C. Winter eds   Atlanta, Georgia: Scholars Press, 1999

“Writing On The Water – The Ineffable Name of God” in Jews, Christians and the Theology of the Hebrew Scriptures Alice Ogden Bellis and Joel S.Kaminsky eds.  Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2000.

“Scripture and Sexuality” in Body and Soul ­ Sylvia Thorson Smith and Marvin Ellison Eds.  Pilgrim Press, 2003

 “How Do We Read What We Read – Responsible Christian Exegesis of Hebrew Scripture” –  in The Peoples’ Bible  Minneapolis: Fortress, 2009.

“You Only Have I known -Reading the Hebrew Bible as Christians in Light of the Partiality of God for Israel”  in Religious Stereotyping and Interreligious Relations Jesper Svartvik and Jakob Wiren eds. Palgrave MacMillan, 2013.




Weaving The Fabric of Faith. – 1985-86  Bible Study for the United Presbyterian Women and the Women of the Church, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

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Ruth, Esther, Jonah. – One of the Knox Preaching Guides, published by John Knox Press, 1986.  Translated into Italian: I Libri Di Ruth, Ester e Giona.  Claudiana Editrice, 1992, Torino, Italy.

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Reasoning With The Foxes – Female Wit In A World Of Male Power.  Ed. with J. Cheryl Exum.  Semeia 42 – Scholars Press, Atlanta, Georgia, 1988.Product Details


Ruth and Esther – Women In Alien Lands.  GBBM United Methodist Church, 1988.

Translated into Spanish: Rut y Ester –  Mujeres in Terras Estranjeras.


Reformed And Feminist – A Challenge To The Church. Louisville: Westminster/John Knox, 1991.

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Reimagining God – The Case for Scriptural Diversity, Louisville, KY:   Westminster/John Knox, 1995.

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Called Out With – Stories of Solidarity in Support of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered Persons Edited with Sylvia Thorson-Smith, Norm Pott, and William Thompson Louisville, KY: Westminster/John Knox, 1997

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Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther Westminster Bible Companion  Patrick D.Miller and David L.Bartlett eds.  Louisville, KY: Westminster/John Knox, 1998

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Ruth and Esther:  Women in Alien Lands. Nashville, TN: Abingdon,  2001

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Making Wise the Simple: The Torah in Christian Faith and Practice. Grand Rapids, MI: W.B. Eerdmans, 2005.

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Reading Samuel: A Literary and Exegetical Commentary. (Macon, GA: Smyth and Helwys, 2011)

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In Process: A People and a Land: Reading Joshua, Judges, Samuel and Kings under contract with Wm.B.Eerdmans.

 Forthcoming: Deuteronomy in the series The Wisdom Commentary (Barbara Reid , gen ed.), contract with the Liturgical Press, Collegeville, Minnesota.



10/2-4/03: “In pursuit of the healing of the city –  An exploration of biblical patterns of justice and healing for the creation and the human community on the basis of Genesis 11:1-9 and Jeremiah 29.” Interfaith Community Ministries Network Conference – Louisville, KY.

11/4-6/04: Visiting Lecturer and Consultant at St. Andrews Presbyterian College – Laurinburg, NC.

 3/1/05:“Trouble and Beauty – A Presence of Women in the Bible and in the World of Today”International Women’s Day Celebration March 1, 2005 – Church of the Epiphany, Louisville, KY.

 11/6/05: “The Life of Holiness and Intimate Relations”  –  two presentations at Knox Presbyterian Church, Cincinnati, OH.

11/25/05: “Whose Child is This? – Elisha and the Woman of Shunem” – presentation at the Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, PA.

3/07: “The Politics of Otherness”  – the 2007  William E.Phipps Religion and Philosophy Interdisciplinary Lecture at Davis and Elkins College, W VA.

1/26/08: “In A Just Nation”  – Presentation annual Roe v. Wade dinner of the Kentucky Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice – Louisville, KY.

4/12/10: “Wisdom’s Trajectories” – The 2010 Mary Keenan Lecture – Spalding University – Louisville, KY

9/12-13/10: Organizer and presenter A Woman’s Voice – Women Speaking with Authority in Religious Community. Interfaith conference of the Women’s Center at LPTS

7/5/11: “Reading Qohelet – Finding a Woman Among a Thousand”  – Paper presented at the International Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature  –  London, England.

 2/7/12: “A stranger you must not oppress. You yourselves know the heart of the stranger, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt.” – Meditation at Temple B’nai Berith Shalom – Interfaith Shabbat  Louisville, KY.

2/22-24/14  “Listening to Prayer – Israel’s Psalms in Christian Experience”  Three lectures for the Duerr Lecture Series at St. Philip Presbyterian Church in Houston, Texas.

Forthcoming: 4-19-16: “Border Crossing – Reading Rahab” in the context of a symposium entitled “Land, Text and Self-understanding” April 19, Lund, Sweden

5-9-16: “A Call to Attention – the Legacy of Compassionate Biblical Faith” – a public lecture at the Swedish Theological Institute, Jerusalem, Israel.