Thanks to my son, Martin Bos, for putting the putting the poster on the website!
It was a rich afternoon with Emma O’Donnell sharing her insights on the different understandings of the “Holy” Land and Jesper Svartvik charting a way forward from theologies of understanding Judaism and Israel that are not conducive to mutual understanding and political cooperation. I felt a surfeit of insights and new perspectives coming my way. I have discovered that in Sweden, at least here in Lund, there is always a repast with libations and lively conversation following an event of this sort. I enjoyed myself hugely and feel my time here is all too short. One more morning of teaching and then it’s farewell until I see the crowd of students again in Jerusalem. I say goodbye to my monastic cell here in the University Guest house on Friday for a short vacation with my sister in Göteborg and then it’s up up and away to Tel Aviv.